Wednesday, March 27, 2019

5 Dividend Aristocrats Where Analysts See Capital Gains

&l;p&g;&l;img class=&q;dam-image getty size-large wp-image-1136269506&q; src=&q;; data-height=&q;640&q; data-width=&q;960&q;&g; Getty

To become a &q;Dividend Aristocrat,&q; a dividend paying company must accomplish an incredible feat: consistently increase shareholder dividends every year for at least 20 consecutive years. Companies with this kind of track record tend to attract a lot of investor attention &a;mdash; and furthermore, &q;tracking&q; funds that follow the Dividend Aristocrats Index &l;i&g;must&l;/i&g; own them. With all of this demand for shares, dividend growth stocks can sometimes become &q;fully priced,&q; where there isn&s;t much upside to analyst targets.

But we here at &l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;ETF Channel&l;/a&g; have looked through the underlying holdings of the &l;a name=&q;etfplace&q;&g;&l;/a&g;SPDR S&a;amp;P Dividend ETF (which tracks the S&a;amp;P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats Index), and found these five dividend growth stocks that actually still have fairly substantial upside to the average analyst target price 12 months out. Which means, if the analysts are correct, these are five dividend growth stocks that could produce capital gains in addition to their growing dividend payments.

In the first table below, we present the five stocks. The recent share price, average analyst 12-month target price, and percentage upside to reach the analyst target are presented.


&l;/p&g;&l;div class=&q;table-wrapper&q;&g;&l;table class=&q;hctblstyle&q; border=&q;0&q; cellspacing=&q;0&q; cellpadding=&q;0&q;&g;&l;tbody&g;&l;tr&g;&l;th align=&q;center&q;&g;Stock&l;/th&g; &l;th align=&q;right&q;&g;Recent Price&l;/th&g; &l;th align=&q;right&q;&g;Avg. Analyst 12-Mo. Target&l;/th&g; &l;th align=&q;right&q;&g;% Upside to Target&l;/th&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;Becton, Dickinson&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$244.67&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$269.12&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;&l;b&g;10.00%&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;Chevron&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$125.88&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$138.42&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;&l;b&g;9.96%&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;Emerson Electric&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$68.79&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$75.45&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;&l;b&g;9.69%&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;VF Corp.&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$86.06&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$93.81&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;&l;b&g;9.01%&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;Sysco&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$66.46&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$71.09&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;&l;b&g;6.97%&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;/tbody&g;&l;/table&g;&l;/div&g;

The average 12-month analyst targets are only targets for the &l;i&g;share price&l;/i&g; however, and each of these stocks are expected to pay dividends during that holding period &a;mdash; so the expected &l;i&g;total return&l;/i&g; if these stocks reach their analyst targets is actually the share price upside seen by the analysts &l;i&g;plus&l;/i&g; the dividend yield shareholders can expect. To ballpark that total return potential, we have added the current yield to the analyst target price upside, in order to arrive at the 12-month total return potential:

&l;div class=&q;table-wrapper&q;&g;&l;table class=&q;hctblstyle&q; border=&q;0&q; cellspacing=&q;0&q; cellpadding=&q;0&q;&g;&l;tbody&g;&l;tr&g;&l;th align=&q;center&q;&g;Stock&l;/th&g; &l;th align=&q;right&q;&g;Dividend Yield&l;/th&g; &l;th align=&q;right&q;&g;% Upside to Analyst Target&l;/th&g; &l;th align=&q;right&q;&g;Implied &l;i&g;Total&l;/i&g; Return Potential&l;/th&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;Becton, Dickinson&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;1.26%&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;10.00%&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;&l;b&g;11.26%&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;Chevron&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;3.78%&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;9.96%&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;&l;b&g;13.74%&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;Emerson Electric&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;2.85%&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;9.69%&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;&l;b&g;12.54%&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;VF Corp.&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;2.37%&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;9.01%&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;&l;b&g;11.38%&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;Sysco&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;2.35%&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;6.97%&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;&l;b&g;9.32%&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;/tbody&g;&l;/table&g;&l;/div&g;

Another consideration with dividend growth stocks is &l;i&g;just how much the dividend is growing&l;/i&g;. We looked up the trailing twelve months worth of dividends shareholders of each of the above five companies have collected, and then also looked up the same number for the &l;i&g;prior&l;/i&g; trailing twelve months. This gives us a rough yardstick to see how much the dividend has grown, from one trailing twelve month period to another.

&l;div class=&q;table-wrapper&q;&g;&l;table class=&q;hctblstyle&q; border=&q;0&q; cellspacing=&q;0&q; cellpadding=&q;0&q;&g;&l;tbody&g;&l;tr&g;&l;th align=&q;center&q;&g;Stock&l;/th&g; &l;th align=&q;right&q;&g;Prior TTM Dividend&l;/th&g; &l;th align=&q;right&q;&g;TTM Dividend&l;/th&g; &l;th align=&q;right&q;&g;% Growth&l;/th&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;Becton, Dickinson&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$2.96&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$3.04&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;&l;b&g;2.70%&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;Chevron&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$4.36&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$4.55&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;&l;b&g;4.36%&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;Emerson Electric&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$1.93&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$1.95&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;&l;b&g;1.04%&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;VF Corp.&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$1.76&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$1.94&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;&l;b&g;10.23%&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;Sysco&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$1.35&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$1.47&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;&l;b&g;8.89%&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;/tbody&g;&l;/table&g;&l;/div&g;&l;hr&g;

These five stocks are part of our full &l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;Dividend Aristocrats List&l;/a&g;. &l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;Click here to find out the Dividend Growth Stocks: 25 Aristocrats &a;raquo;&l;/a&g;

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Dairy Queen, Rita's welcome spring with free…

Free and frozen are in the forecast for the first day of spring.

Wednesday is Dairy Queen's fifth annual Free Cone Day and the chain is giving away free small vanilla soft-serve cones.

The event, which runs all day while supplies last at participating Dairy Queen and DQ Grill & Chill stores, also serves as a fundraiser for the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.

"We love that our tradition of Free Cone Day has become synonymous with return of warmer weather and bringing people together," Maria Hokanson, executive vice president of marketing, said in a statement. "We know the start of soft-serve season brings joy to our fans, and we can't wait to help spread smiles."

Wednesday wonders: Supermoon, spring equinox are an astronomical doubleheader

March freebies: Your monthly guide to food specials, meal deals and more

The evidence is here: Free DQ Cones cause extreme happiness! Join the study on Free Cone Day, March 20th.

— Dairy Queen (@DairyQueen) March 18, 2019

There is a limit of one free cone per person and mall locations are not participating. Long lines are expected.

Dairy Queen has a deal after Free Cone Day, too: Get a small regular or dipped soft serve cone for 50 cents March 21-31 with the chain's mobile app. Download the app at

Rita's Italian Ice freebie

The first day of spring also is a traditional freebie day at Rita's Italian Ice.

It's the Pennsylvania-based company's 27th annual first day of spring giveaway, which will take place during regular hours Wednesday. Most stores are open noon to 9 p.m.

The company expects to give away more than 1 million cups of free Italian ices at its more than 600 locations.

.oembed-frame { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; border: 0; }

"Ice Storm Rita will bring many amazing flavors of Italian Ice to Rita's guests all over the country," Linda Chadwick, president and CEO of Rita's, said in a statement. "The First Day of Spring is just a small way to show our appreciation to guests and celebrate the product that made us who we are today."

Limit one free promotional-size cup per customer. Customers can choose to add a custard topper for an extra charge.

There's also a chance to win free Rita's Ice for a year. The company said they're looking for a "superfan who shows how excited they are for the First Day of Spring and posts a picture to social media using #RitasFirstDayofSpringContest."

The contest will be held on Rita's Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Wednesday through 11:59 p.m. ET Friday.

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Spring or summer?: Victoria's Secret Swim is back, but the bathing suits are available only online

Store closings 2019: Payless, Gymboree and Victoria's Secret are just some of the brands closing stores

Follow Kelly Tyko on Twitter: @KellyTyko

Friday, March 22, 2019

Top 5 Performing Stocks To Watch For 2019


While the stocks of some retailers have been underperforming or stuck in the mud recently, Dollar General (DG) is bucking that trend. The stock increased about 22% over the past year with an increase of 46% from the 52-week low to the 52-week high. Dollar General's stock is being driven by strong comp store sales growth which led the company to exceed earnings estimates for the past four quarters.

I expect Dollar General's stock to perform well through 2018 and beyond as a result of an effective focus on growing comp store sales, a benefit from tax reform, growth in store count, and earnings growth. All of this is likely to lead to double-digit stock growth for 2018.

Dollar General is Effectively Tweaking the Product Mix/Merchandising

Dollar General is driving comp store sales gains by getting the right product mix in its stores. The company achieved a comp store sales gain of 4.3% for Q3 2017. That exceeded analysts' estimates of 2.8%.

Top 5 Performing Stocks To Watch For 2019: ITT Corporation(ITT)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Max Byerly]

    Wedge Capital Management L L P NC cut its holdings in shares of ITT Inc (NYSE:ITT) by 5.6% during the 2nd quarter, reports. The institutional investor owned 593,183 shares of the conglomerate’s stock after selling 35,351 shares during the quarter. Wedge Capital Management L L P NC’s holdings in ITT were worth $31,006,000 at the end of the most recent quarter.

  • [By Joseph Griffin]

    Intelligent Trading Foundation (CURRENCY:ITT) traded 15.6% higher against the U.S. dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 21:00 PM Eastern on August 25th. Intelligent Trading Foundation has a total market capitalization of $378,146.00 and $6,664.00 worth of Intelligent Trading Foundation was traded on exchanges in the last day. Over the last week, Intelligent Trading Foundation has traded 36.9% higher against the U.S. dollar. One Intelligent Trading Foundation token can currently be purchased for about $0.0386 or 0.00000572 BTC on cryptocurrency exchanges including Mercatox, COSS and IDEX.

  • [By Logan Wallace]

    Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Public School Empls Retrmt SYS purchased a new stake in shares of ITT Inc (NYSE:ITT) in the second quarter, reports. The firm purchased 23,591 shares of the conglomerate’s stock, valued at approximately $1,233,000.

Top 5 Performing Stocks To Watch For 2019: Calavo Growers, Inc.(CVGW)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    Calavo Growers, Inc. (NASDAQ:CVGW) has received a consensus rating of “Hold” from the seven analysts that are presently covering the company, reports. One research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, two have issued a hold rating and four have assigned a buy rating to the company. The average 1-year price objective among analysts that have updated their coverage on the stock in the last year is $97.33.

  • [By Asit Sharma]

    In a similar narrative to its last sequential quarter, the second quarter of fiscal 2018, avocado specialist Calavo Grower's (NASDAQ:CVGW) results for its most recent three months were characterized by a modest revenue contraction of roughly 2%, accompanied by vigorous growth in net income and earnings per share. Below, we'll review the raw numbers and relevant details of the company's report, which was issued earlier this month. 

  • [By Joseph Griffin]

    TD Asset Management Inc. purchased a new position in shares of Calavo Growers, Inc. (NASDAQ:CVGW) during the 2nd quarter, according to the company in its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The firm purchased 24,600 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $2,365,000.

Top 5 Performing Stocks To Watch For 2019: Taseko Mines Limited(TGB)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Shane Hupp]

    Taseko Mines Ltd (NYSEAMERICAN:TGB) (TSE:TKO) – Analysts at National Bank Financial issued their Q2 2018 earnings estimates for shares of Taseko Mines in a research report issued on Thursday, July 12th. National Bank Financial analyst D. Demarco anticipates that the mining company will post earnings per share of $0.01 for the quarter. National Bank Financial has a “Outperform” rating on the stock. National Bank Financial also issued estimates for Taseko Mines’ FY2018 earnings at $0.01 EPS.

  • [By Shane Hupp]

    Shares of Taseko Mines Ltd (NYSEAMERICAN:TGB) (TSE:TKO) saw unusually-strong trading volume on Friday . Approximately 1,697,074 shares changed hands during mid-day trading, an increase of 111% from the previous session’s volume of 804,476 shares.The stock last traded at $0.80 and had previously closed at $0.76.

  • [By Max Byerly]

    News headlines about Taseko Mines (NASDAQ:TGB) have trended somewhat positive this week, Accern Sentiment reports. Accern ranks the sentiment of media coverage by analyzing more than 20 million blog and news sources in real time. Accern ranks coverage of public companies on a scale of -1 to 1, with scores closest to one being the most favorable. Taseko Mines earned a news sentiment score of 0.09 on Accern’s scale. Accern also gave media coverage about the company an impact score of 47.3781367645352 out of 100, meaning that recent media coverage is somewhat unlikely to have an effect on the company’s share price in the next few days.

  • [By Stephan Byrd]

    Taseko Mines Ltd (NYSEAMERICAN:TGB) (TSE:TKO)’s share price rose 1.2% during trading on Monday . The company traded as high as $0.82 and last traded at $0.83. Approximately 10,320 shares were traded during trading, a decline of 99% from the average daily volume of 804,476 shares. The stock had previously closed at $0.82.

Top 5 Performing Stocks To Watch For 2019: Intrepid Potash, Inc(IPI)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    Hi-Crush Partners (NYSE: HCLP) and Intrepid Potash (NYSE:IPI) are both small-cap basic materials companies, but which is the better investment? We will contrast the two businesses based on the strength of their dividends, earnings, risk, institutional ownership, profitability, analyst recommendations and valuation.

  • [By Maxx Chatsko]

    Shares of Intrepid Potash (NYSE:IPI) are falling, down 20.8% as of 12:02 p.m. EDT, after the company announced second-quarter 2018 earnings. The fertilizer producer actually turned in a solid performance compared to the year-ago period for all three of its major business activities -- potash, Trio, and water -- and more than doubled operating cash flow. Furthermore, management expects the business to continue improving in future periods. 

  • [By Lisa Levin]

    On Wednesday, the materials shares rose 0.86 percent. Meanwhile, top gainers in the sector included Intrepid Potash, Inc. (NYSE: IPI), up 8 percent, and Lithium Americas Corp. (NYSE: LAC) up 6 percent.

  • [By Rich Smith]

    Shares of Intrepid Potash (NYSE:IPI) stock are soaring, up 20.7% as of 1:20 p.m. EDT after the company reported earnings Tuesday -- but probably not because of earnings per se.

Top 5 Performing Stocks To Watch For 2019: Danaos Corporation(DAC)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Motley Fool Transcribers]

    Danaos Corp  (NYSE:DAC)Q4 2018 Earnings Conference CallFeb. 20, 2019, 9:00 a.m. ET

    Contents: Prepared Remarks Questions and Answers Call Participants Prepared Remarks:


  • [By Shane Hupp]

    Several large investors have recently bought and sold shares of the business. Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC purchased a new stake in shares of Danaos during the third quarter worth $42,286,000. Greenwich Wealth Management LLC purchased a new stake in shares of Danaos during the fourth quarter worth $393,000. Renaissance Technologies LLC lifted its position in shares of Danaos by 209.5% during the third quarter. Renaissance Technologies LLC now owns 284,320 shares of the shipping company’s stock worth $341,000 after acquiring an additional 192,456 shares in the last quarter. O Shaughnessy Asset Management LLC purchased a new stake in shares of Danaos during the third quarter worth $176,000. Finally, Acadian Asset Management LLC purchased a new stake in shares of Danaos during the third quarter worth $112,000. Hedge funds and other institutional investors own 17.85% of the company’s stock.

    ILLEGAL ACTIVITY NOTICE: “Danaos (DAC) Announces Quarterly Earnings Results, Beats Estimates By $0.05 EPS” was published by Ticker Report and is the property of of Ticker Report. If you are viewing this story on another domain, it was stolen and republished in violation of United States and international copyright law. The original version of this story can be accessed at

    About Danaos

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Investors are missing out on this stock market comeback, and that could fuel it further

The strong stock market performance to start 2019 has yet to lure most investors back in from the sideline, implying that more gains could be ahead, according to a closely followed survey of professional investors.

Even with the Dow Jones Industrial Average up more than 11 percent year to date, the allocation to global stocks among respondents to the March Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Fund Manager Survey fell to its lowest since October 2016 at just 3 percent overweight.

Hedge fund managers in particular are at their lowest net allocation to equities since December 2016, with the trend among all investors toward more defensive positions.

"The pain trade for stocks is still up," Michael Hartnett, chief investment strategist at BofAML Data Analytics, said in a statement. "Despite rising profit expectations, lower rate expectations and falling cash levels, stock allocations continue to drop. There is simply no greed to sell in equities."

show chapters Cecchini: Why I'm adopting a cautious stance on the markets again Cecchini: Why I'm adopting a cautious stance on the markets again    6 Hours Ago | 03:47

A "pain trade" is one that generally catches a lot of investors off guard. Sentiment surveys can be reliable contrarian guides when too much of the market gets caught on one side.

Most of the signs in March pointed toward caution, though cash allocations did fall two-tenths of a percentage point to 4.6 percent equating to a net 40 percent overweight, down from a decade high recorded in February.

Professional investors now worry most about a slowdown in China, cited by 30 percent of respondents. The second-biggest concern is the U.S.-China trade war, which had topped the worry list for nine straight months.

Though Hartnett said the defensive posture in the market points to upside, BofAML's bull-bear indicator, which measures allocations, is in "neutral" territory. Survey respondents consider the U.S. dollar at its most overvalued since June 2002 but said the most crowded trade is a bet against European stocks.

Economic growth expectations improved as did those for inflation, with a net 34 percent of investors expecting a higher consumer price index over the next year.

When it comes to interest rates, 55 percent of respondents said they think the Federal Reserve will continue to raise rates, against 38 percent who expect the tightening cycle to be finished. The central bank's policymaking committee begins its two-day meeting Tuesday, with the market expecting no rate hike.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Best Insurance Stocks To Own For 2019

tags:DGI,STRA,ACXM, Your credit card perks are designed to feel like a gift that keeps on giving. But they are not guaranteed to last.

Buried deep in any credit card agreement is something that reads like this: your card issuer has the right to change the benefits and features of these programs at any time with notice.

And some banks have already rolled back popular perks, leaving cardholders wondering whether the benefits they signed up for will last.

Last month, Chase Sapphire Reserve customers were notified of a series of changes including the discontinuing of price protection, a reduction in the way some points are earned, and a cap on the number of guests included with airport lounge memberships.

Earlier this year, Discover eliminated purchase protection, return guarantee, extended product warranties, car rental insurance and flight accident insurance. Price protection and return protection were also eliminated on a United Airlines co-branded card with Chase. And Citi has rolled back the value of its price protection program, and eliminated roadside assistance and travel and emergency benefits for Double Cash cardholders.

Best Insurance Stocks To Own For 2019: DigitalGlobe, Inc(DGI)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    COPYRIGHT VIOLATION WARNING: “DigitalGlobe (DGI) Earning Somewhat Positive Press Coverage, Report Shows” was published by Ticker Report and is owned by of Ticker Report. If you are accessing this piece on another domain, it was stolen and republished in violation of US & international copyright & trademark laws. The original version of this piece can be read at

Best Insurance Stocks To Own For 2019: Strayer Education, Inc.(STRA)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Stephan Byrd]

    Strayer Education (NASDAQ:STRA) was downgraded by analysts at Zacks Investment Research from a buy rating to a hold rating. According to Zacks, “Strayer Education’s first-quarter 2018 earnings surpassed the Zacks Consensus Estimate and increased 29.5% year over year. Moreover, revenues improved 1.4% from the prior-year quarter’s figure, owing to higher winter term enrollment. Positive enrollment trend continued in the first quarter with new students and total enrollment up 6% each. Strayer’s convenient, accessible and flexible educational programs are designed to meet the educational needs of working adults. Strayer University is lowering the cost of its programs to enhance affordability. However, tuition cuts and an unfavorable mix of students toward lower undergraduate tuition have resulted in declining revenue per student over the past few quarters. Revenue per student declined approximately 5% in the first quarter of 2018. Importantly, Strayer and Capella decided to merge in an all-stock deal of equal transactions, expected to close in the third quarter of 2018.”

  • [By Max Byerly]

    Strategic Education Inc (NASDAQ:STRA) has earned a consensus recommendation of “Hold” from the eight analysts that are presently covering the firm, Marketbeat Ratings reports. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a sell recommendation, two have issued a hold recommendation and four have issued a buy recommendation on the company. The average twelve-month price target among analysts that have updated their coverage on the stock in the last year is $155.00.

  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    Strayer Education (NASDAQ:STRA) was downgraded by analysts at Zacks Investment Research from a buy rating to a hold rating. According to Zacks, “Strayer Education’s first-quarter 2018 earnings surpassed the Zacks Consensus Estimate and increased 29.5% year over year. Moreover, revenues improved 1.4% from the prior-year quarter’s figure, owing to higher winter term enrollment. Positive enrollment trend continued in the first quarter with new students and total enrollment up 6% each. Strayer’s convenient, accessible and flexible educational programs are designed to meet the educational needs of working adults. Strayer University is lowering the cost of its programs to enhance affordability. However, tuition cuts and an unfavorable mix of students toward lower undergraduate tuition have resulted in declining revenue per student over the past few quarters. Revenue per student declined approximately 5% in the first quarter of 2018. Importantly, Strayer and Capella decided to merge in an all-stock deal of equal transactions, expected to close in the third quarter of 2018.”

Best Insurance Stocks To Own For 2019: Acxiom Corporation(ACXM)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    Amundi Pioneer Asset Management Inc. increased its position in Acxiom Co. (NASDAQ:ACXM) by 20.7% in the first quarter, according to the company in its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The firm owned 171,050 shares of the information technology services provider’s stock after purchasing an additional 29,350 shares during the quarter. Amundi Pioneer Asset Management Inc. owned approximately 0.22% of Acxiom worth $3,885,000 as of its most recent SEC filing.

  • [By Joseph Griffin]

    New York State Common Retirement Fund reduced its stake in shares of Acxiom Co. (NASDAQ:ACXM) by 30.2% during the 1st quarter, reports. The institutional investor owned 127,208 shares of the information technology services provider’s stock after selling 55,129 shares during the quarter. New York State Common Retirement Fund’s holdings in Acxiom were worth $2,889,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period.

  • [By Stephan Byrd]

    DXC Technology (NASDAQ: ACXM) and Acxiom (NASDAQ:ACXM) are both computer and technology companies, but which is the superior business? We will contrast the two businesses based on the strength of their analyst recommendations, dividends, institutional ownership, earnings, profitability, valuation and risk.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Levi Strauss' 550 Million Reasons to Invest in Its IPO

A new regulatory filing has filled in the blanks for Levi Strauss's upcoming initial public offering (IPO), an issue that could reap over $550 million in total proceeds. The clothing manufacturer and retailer is returning to the stock market following a long absence after going private in 1985.

The company is most closely associated with denim fashion, which is undergoing one of its periodic revivals just now. Levi will likely use its proceeds from this issue to bolster its other product offerings. Does this make the prodigal stock a buy? Let's explore.

Model wearing denim top and jeans.

Image source: Levi Strauss.

Blue-jean baby

For most American consumers, Levi needs little or no introduction. The company effectively invented blue jeans in the early 1870s, stitching denim into rugged pants designed to withstand the rigors of a 19th century workday. Since then, they've gone in and out of style, although they have continued to be mainstays on apparel store shelves for many years.

A recent surge of interest in denim among young people -- always the engines of fashion -- is juicing the results of numerous clothiers. American Eagle Outfitters (NYSE:AEO) has markedly increased its presence in the segment. Meanwhile, growth in the category is helping Abercrombie & Fitch (NYSE:ANF) improve its overall results.

Levi is another boat rising with this tide. The company's revenue has risen in each of its last three reported fiscal years, most recently by 14% year over year to almost $5.6 billion in 2018. Levi has been consistently profitable lately, with the bottom line coming in at around $285 million in both 2018 and 2017, down slightly from the $291 million it netted in 2016.

Over the years, the company has done a good job making its products -- particularly the jeans -- nearly unavoidable. Levi's official literature says that its goods are available in roughly 50,000 retailers in over 110 countries. These run the gamut from department stores to premium outlets to Levi's-brand franchised and company-owned outlets.

Tops at the shops

Going forward, Levi wants to be more identified with clothes that aren't jeans. In its latest IPO prospectus, the company writes that it's "focusing our product design and marketing efforts to reshape our global consumer perceptions from a U.S. men's bottoms-oriented company to a global lifestyle leader for both men and women."

Every fashion retailer would love to be a global lifestyle leader for both men and women, driving the world of fashion with a wide assortment of clothes and accessories. Visit an Abercrombie & Fitch or American Eagle Outfitters store sometime to see a broad inventory of merchandise for both genders.

But it seems Levi has plenty of room to grow in its target areas. It points out that its net revenue for tops increased by nearly 40% in both fiscal 2018 and 2017, amounting to $1.1 billion in the former year. Meanwhile, in the women's-apparel segment, net revenue climbed by 29% and 25%, respectively, in those two years. The top line for 2018 from these goods was $1.6 billion.

On top of that, there's lots of potential in international markets. Levi has a big presence in the U.S. and certain other markets, but it's underrepresented elsewhere. Brazil, for example, was responsible for under 1% of total net revenue in the last fiscal year, yet Levi's sales there still grew at double-digit rates. China has also been a fraction of total sales. A firmer push in these two countries alone could add handsomely to Levi's results.

Finally, another positive for the stock is that the company also plans to continue paying a dividend, as it has done for its relatively limited group of shareholders since 2008. I should note that it hasn't yet specified how much the dividend will be.

To sum it up, Levi has a strong and familiar brand name that's known not only in the U.S. but around the world. That, combined with the numerous levers the company can pull to stimulate growth and pull ahead of peers like Abercrombie & Fitch and American Eagle Outfitters, plus the dividend, makes its new stock a compelling proposition. 

The details

Just under 36.7 million class A shares of Levi are to be sold in the issue at a price of $14 to $16 per share. Existing shareholders will sell slightly over 27.2 million shares, from which the company will receive no proceeds.

The stock is slated to begin trading on Thursday, March 21 on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol -- yes, you guessed it! -- LEVI. The big underwriting syndicate for the issue includes Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase unit J.P. Morgan, and Citigroup.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

FLIR Systems, Inc. (FLIR) Receives $62.67 Consensus Price Target from Analysts

Shares of FLIR Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:FLIR) have received a consensus recommendation of “Buy” from the twelve brokerages that are covering the stock, Marketbeat Ratings reports. Five analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating, six have issued a buy rating and one has issued a strong buy rating on the company. The average twelve-month price target among analysts that have issued ratings on the stock in the last year is $62.67.

Several brokerages recently issued reports on FLIR. Imperial Capital restated an “in-line” rating and set a $56.00 price target (up from $51.00) on shares of FLIR Systems in a research note on Wednesday, February 20th. They noted that the move was a valuation call. Zacks Investment Research upgraded FLIR Systems from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a research note on Thursday, February 14th. SunTrust Banks boosted their price target on FLIR Systems to $60.00 and gave the company a “buy” rating in a research note on Thursday, February 14th. They noted that the move was a valuation call. ValuEngine upgraded FLIR Systems from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a research note on Wednesday, February 13th. Finally, BidaskClub lowered FLIR Systems from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a research note on Wednesday, March 6th.

Get FLIR Systems alerts:

NASDAQ FLIR opened at $50.55 on Friday. FLIR Systems has a twelve month low of $40.52 and a twelve month high of $63.88. The company has a quick ratio of 2.98, a current ratio of 4.09 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.22. The stock has a market cap of $6.85 billion, a P/E ratio of 22.77 and a beta of 1.12.

FLIR Systems (NASDAQ:FLIR) last posted its quarterly earnings data on Wednesday, February 13th. The scientific and technical instruments company reported $0.62 earnings per share for the quarter, topping the consensus estimate of $0.60 by $0.02. FLIR Systems had a return on equity of 16.86% and a net margin of 15.90%. The business had revenue of $448.50 million during the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $463.91 million. During the same quarter in the previous year, the firm earned $0.58 EPS. The firm’s revenue was down 9.4% compared to the same quarter last year. As a group, analysts expect that FLIR Systems will post 2.34 EPS for the current year.

The business also recently disclosed a quarterly dividend, which was paid on Friday, March 8th. Stockholders of record on Friday, February 22nd were paid a $0.17 dividend. This is a positive change from FLIR Systems’s previous quarterly dividend of $0.16. This represents a $0.68 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 1.35%. The ex-dividend date was Thursday, February 21st. FLIR Systems’s dividend payout ratio is currently 30.63%.

In other news, SVP Todd M. Duchene sold 7,566 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction that occurred on Wednesday, March 6th. The stock was sold at an average price of $50.61, for a total value of $382,915.26. Following the transaction, the senior vice president now directly owns 28,070 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $1,420,622.70. The sale was disclosed in a document filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which can be accessed through this hyperlink. Also, Director Earl R. Lewis sold 132,100 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, February 26th. The stock was sold at an average price of $52.11, for a total value of $6,883,731.00. Following the completion of the transaction, the director now directly owns 635,487 shares in the company, valued at $33,115,227.57. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. Over the last quarter, insiders sold 253,944 shares of company stock worth $13,142,818. Corporate insiders own 2.00% of the company’s stock.

Institutional investors and hedge funds have recently made changes to their positions in the company. CSat Investment Advisory L.P. boosted its holdings in shares of FLIR Systems by 147.2% in the 4th quarter. CSat Investment Advisory L.P. now owns 964 shares of the scientific and technical instruments company’s stock worth $42,000 after acquiring an additional 574 shares in the last quarter. Bessemer Group Inc. boosted its holdings in shares of FLIR Systems by 18.2% in the 4th quarter. Bessemer Group Inc. now owns 1,454 shares of the scientific and technical instruments company’s stock worth $63,000 after acquiring an additional 224 shares in the last quarter. Atlas Capital Advisors LLC boosted its holdings in shares of FLIR Systems by 493.0% in the 4th quarter. Atlas Capital Advisors LLC now owns 2,805 shares of the scientific and technical instruments company’s stock worth $122,000 after acquiring an additional 2,332 shares in the last quarter. Stephens Inc. AR boosted its holdings in shares of FLIR Systems by 31.1% in the 4th quarter. Stephens Inc. AR now owns 2,840 shares of the scientific and technical instruments company’s stock worth $124,000 after acquiring an additional 673 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Ffcm LLC boosted its holdings in shares of FLIR Systems by 660.2% in the 4th quarter. Ffcm LLC now owns 3,193 shares of the scientific and technical instruments company’s stock worth $139,000 after acquiring an additional 2,773 shares in the last quarter. 88.68% of the stock is currently owned by institutional investors and hedge funds.

FLIR Systems Company Profile

FLIR Systems, Inc designs, develops, manufactures, and markets thermal imaging systems, visible-light imaging systems, locater systems, measurement and diagnostic systems, and threat-detection solutions worldwide. The company operates in six segments: Surveillance, Instruments, Security, OEM & Emerging Markets, Maritime, and Detection.

Featured Article: 52-Week High/Low Prices For Stock Selection

Analyst Recommendations for FLIR Systems (NASDAQ:FLIR)

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

-$0.01 Earnings Per Share Expected for Top Image Systems Ltd. (TISA) This Quarter

Equities research analysts forecast that Top Image Systems Ltd. (NASDAQ:TISA) will post earnings of ($0.01) per share for the current fiscal quarter, according to Zacks. Two analysts have provided estimates for Top Image Systems’ earnings, with estimates ranging from ($0.02) to $0.00. Top Image Systems reported earnings per share of ($0.06) in the same quarter last year, which indicates a positive year-over-year growth rate of 83.3%. The company is scheduled to issue its next earnings report on Thursday, May 16th.

According to Zacks, analysts expect that Top Image Systems will report full year earnings of ($0.13) per share for the current year, with EPS estimates ranging from ($0.16) to ($0.10). For the next financial year, analysts expect that the firm will report earnings of ($0.14) per share. Zacks Investment Research’s EPS averages are an average based on a survey of analysts that cover Top Image Systems.

Get Top Image Systems alerts:

TISA has been the subject of several recent research reports. Roth Capital reaffirmed a “buy” rating on shares of Top Image Systems in a report on Friday, December 14th. ValuEngine lowered shares of Top Image Systems from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a report on Wednesday, January 2nd. Finally, HC Wainwright lowered shares of Top Image Systems from a “buy” rating to a “neutral” rating and cut their target price for the company from $3.00 to $0.86 in a report on Tuesday, February 5th.

TISA traded up $0.01 during trading on Tuesday, reaching $0.83. 2,800 shares of the company’s stock were exchanged, compared to its average volume of 199,282. The company has a current ratio of 0.71, a quick ratio of 0.71 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.45. The firm has a market capitalization of $15.12 million, a PE ratio of -2.24 and a beta of 0.72. Top Image Systems has a 1 year low of $0.46 and a 1 year high of $1.14.

Top Image Systems Company Profile

Top Image Systems Ltd. develops and markets automated data capture solutions for managing and validating content gathered from customers, trading partners, and employees worldwide. Its solutions deliver digital content to the applications that drive an enterprise by using technologies, such as wireless communications, servers, form processing, and information recognition systems.

See Also: What does relative strength index mean?

Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on Top Image Systems (TISA)

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Monday, March 11, 2019

Hot Blue Chip Stocks To Invest In 2019


Equity investors in China are taking a flyer on a strategy that hasn’t worked in years, speculating small caps will soar on the country’s sweeping plans to invigorate its fastest-growing firms.

China’s three most popular exchange-traded funds in 2018 all track smaller stocks, luring some $3 billion in net new assets, data compiled by Bloomberg show. While that’s a tiny slice of the nation’s $7.4 trillion equity market, it’s nearly 60 percent of all the cash that’s gone into stock funds trading in Shanghai or Shenzhen, according to the data.

Small caps have borne the brunt of China’s deleveraging campaign since the 2015 stock bubble burst on concern they would struggle to cope with soaring funding costs. Though the ChiNext is once again down for the year, it’s holding up better than a gauge tracking blue chips, a small win after it largely missed out on a two-year global bull market.

“China’s push to encourage domestic listings of unicorn companies has triggered interest in small caps,” said Patrick Dai, head of A-share research at Macquarie Commodities and Global Markets Group in Shanghai. “Investors are positioning for a potential rally in new-economy sectors because those listings would boost market sentiment.”

Hot Blue Chip Stocks To Invest In 2019: Provident Financial Holdings, Inc.(PROV)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Max Byerly]

    News articles about Provident Financial (NASDAQ:PROV) have been trending somewhat negative this week, according to Accern. Accern identifies negative and positive media coverage by monitoring more than twenty million blog and news sources in real time. Accern ranks coverage of public companies on a scale of -1 to 1, with scores nearest to one being the most favorable. Provident Financial earned a daily sentiment score of -0.02 on Accern’s scale. Accern also assigned news articles about the financial services provider an impact score of 45.9215692366566 out of 100, meaning that recent media coverage is somewhat unlikely to have an effect on the company’s share price in the near future.

  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    E*TRADE Financial (NASDAQ: ETFC) and Provident Financial (NASDAQ:PROV) are both finance companies, but which is the superior investment? We will contrast the two businesses based on the strength of their risk, analyst recommendations, profitability, institutional ownership, valuation, earnings and dividends.

  • [By Logan Wallace]

    Charter Financial (NASDAQ: CHFN) and Provident Financial (NASDAQ:PROV) are both small-cap finance companies, but which is the better stock? We will contrast the two companies based on the strength of their analyst recommendations, institutional ownership, earnings, valuation, profitability, risk and dividends.

Hot Blue Chip Stocks To Invest In 2019: Sealed Air Corporation(SEE)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Max Byerly]

    State of New Jersey Common Pension Fund D lessened its holdings in shares of Sealed Air (NYSE:SEE) by 16.7% during the first quarter, HoldingsChannel reports. The institutional investor owned 50,000 shares of the industrial products company’s stock after selling 10,000 shares during the period. State of New Jersey Common Pension Fund D’s holdings in Sealed Air were worth $2,140,000 as of its most recent SEC filing.

  • [By Shane Hupp]

    Toronto Dominion Bank boosted its stake in Sealed Air (NYSE:SEE) by 14.0% in the first quarter, according to its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The fund owned 104,379 shares of the industrial products company’s stock after buying an additional 12,843 shares during the quarter. Toronto Dominion Bank’s holdings in Sealed Air were worth $4,466,000 as of its most recent SEC filing.

  • [By Stephan Byrd]

    ILLEGAL ACTIVITY NOTICE: “ETRADE Capital Management LLC Acquires Shares of 18,162 Sealed Air Corp (SEE)” was first posted by Ticker Report and is owned by of Ticker Report. If you are reading this piece of content on another publication, it was illegally stolen and reposted in violation of US and international copyright and trademark legislation. The original version of this piece of content can be viewed at

  • [By Logan Wallace]

    Sealed Air Corp (NYSE:SEE) has earned an average rating of “Hold” from the fourteen analysts that are presently covering the firm, MarketBeat reports. Eight analysts have rated the stock with a hold recommendation and five have issued a buy recommendation on the company. The average 12-month price target among analysts that have issued a report on the stock in the last year is $50.00.

  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    Sealed Air (NYSE:SEE) has been given a $52.00 target price by investment analysts at UBS in a research report issued to clients and investors on Wednesday, reports. The brokerage presently has a “buy” rating on the industrial products company’s stock. UBS’s price objective indicates a potential upside of 13.99% from the stock’s current price.

  • [By Logan Wallace]

    Press coverage about Sealed Air (NYSE:SEE) has been trending somewhat positive on Saturday, Accern Sentiment reports. The research group rates the sentiment of media coverage by reviewing more than 20 million news and blog sources in real time. Accern ranks coverage of public companies on a scale of negative one to positive one, with scores nearest to one being the most favorable. Sealed Air earned a coverage optimism score of 0.17 on Accern’s scale. Accern also gave media stories about the industrial products company an impact score of 46.2252752608154 out of 100, meaning that recent media coverage is somewhat unlikely to have an effect on the stock’s share price in the next several days.

Hot Blue Chip Stocks To Invest In 2019: Pagegroup PLC (PAGE)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    Pagegroup PLC (LON:PAGE) declared a dividend on Wednesday, August 8th, Upcoming.Co.Uk reports. Stockholders of record on Thursday, September 6th will be paid a dividend of GBX 16.83 ($0.22) per share on Wednesday, October 10th. This represents a dividend yield of 2.81%. The ex-dividend date is Thursday, September 6th. This is a positive change from Pagegroup’s previous dividend of $8.60. The official announcement can be accessed at this link.

  • [By Logan Wallace]

    Pagegroup (LON:PAGE) was upgraded by stock analysts at Liberum Capital to a “buy” rating in a note issued to investors on Wednesday.

    PAGE has been the subject of a number of other research reports. UBS Group reissued a “neutral” rating on shares of Pagegroup in a report on Wednesday, January 2nd. Royal Bank of Canada reissued an “outperform” rating on shares of Pagegroup in a report on Thursday, January 10th. HSBC dropped their price objective on shares of Pagegroup from GBX 700 ($9.15) to GBX 675 ($8.82) and set a “buy” rating for the company in a report on Monday, January 7th. Finally, Jefferies Financial Group dropped their price objective on shares of Pagegroup from GBX 620 ($8.10) to GBX 610 ($7.97) and set a “buy” rating for the company in a report on Tuesday, January 15th. Two equities research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, five have given a hold rating and six have given a buy rating to the stock. The company presently has an average rating of “Hold” and an average price target of GBX 578.62 ($7.56).

  • [By Max Byerly]

    Pagegroup (LON:PAGE) had its target price raised by UBS Group from GBX 550 ($7.09) to GBX 600 ($7.74) in a report released on Monday, reports. They currently have a neutral rating on the stock.

Hot Blue Chip Stocks To Invest In 2019: Golden Ocean Group Limited(GOGL)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    Jane Street Group LLC raised its holdings in shares of Golden Ocean Group Ltd (NASDAQ:GOGL) by 99.4% during the 1st quarter, according to the company in its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The fund owned 224,567 shares of the shipping company’s stock after purchasing an additional 111,971 shares during the period. Jane Street Group LLC owned approximately 0.16% of Golden Ocean Group worth $1,785,000 at the end of the most recent quarter.

  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    Golden Ocean Group (NASDAQ: GOGL) and Kenon (NYSE:KEN) are both small-cap transportation companies, but which is the better investment? We will compare the two businesses based on the strength of their analyst recommendations, institutional ownership, profitability, risk, dividends, valuation and earnings.

  • [By Motley Fool Staff]

    Golden Ocean Group (NASDAQ:GOGL) Q1 2018 Earnings Conference CallMay. 30, 2018 9:00 a.m. ET

    Contents: Prepared Remarks Questions and Answers Call Participants Prepared Remarks:


  • [By Max Byerly]

    Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on Golden Ocean Group (GOGL)

    For more information about research offerings from Zacks Investment Research, visit

Hot Blue Chip Stocks To Invest In 2019: The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc.(THG)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Joseph Griffin]

    Goelzer Investment Management Inc. reduced its holdings in shares of The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. (NYSE:THG) by 3.7% during the 1st quarter, HoldingsChannel reports. The fund owned 40,309 shares of the insurance provider’s stock after selling 1,563 shares during the period. Goelzer Investment Management Inc.’s holdings in The Hanover Insurance Group were worth $4,752,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period.

  • [By Logan Wallace]

    Scout Investments Inc. acquired a new position in shares of The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. (NYSE:THG) in the 1st quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the SEC. The fund acquired 174,629 shares of the insurance provider’s stock, valued at approximately $20,587,000. Scout Investments Inc. owned about 0.41% of The Hanover Insurance Group at the end of the most recent quarter.

  • [By Shane Hupp]

    Hanover Insurance Group (NYSE:THG) was downgraded by equities researchers at Sandler O’Neill from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a note issued to investors on Thursday, The Fly reports.

  • [By Max Byerly]

    The Hanover Insurance Group (NYSE:THG) was upgraded by stock analysts at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods from a “market perform” rating to an “outperform” rating in a research report issued on Friday, Marketbeat Ratings reports.

Hot Blue Chip Stocks To Invest In 2019: World Fuel Services Corporation(INT)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    World Fuel Services Corp (NYSE:INT) – Equities research analysts at Seaport Global Securities issued their Q1 2020 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for World Fuel Services in a research report issued to clients and investors on Thursday, March 7th. Seaport Global Securities analyst K. Sterling forecasts that the oil and gas company will earn $0.56 per share for the quarter. Seaport Global Securities currently has a “Buy” rating and a $40.00 target price on the stock. Seaport Global Securities also issued estimates for World Fuel Services’ Q2 2020 earnings at $0.60 EPS, Q3 2020 earnings at $0.80 EPS, Q4 2020 earnings at $0.74 EPS and FY2020 earnings at $2.70 EPS.

  • [By Lisa Levin]

    World Fuel Services Corporation (NYSE: INT) shares dropped 19 percent to $22.62 following Q1 results.

    Shares of Biglari Holdings Inc. (NYSE: BH) were down 20 percent to $339.00. Washington Prime Group Inc. (NYSE: WPG) will replace Biglari Holdings in the S&P SmallCap 600 on Tuesday, May 1.

  • [By Max Byerly]

    Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on World Fuel Services (INT)

    For more information about research offerings from Zacks Investment Research, visit

  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on World Fuel Services (INT)

    For more information about research offerings from Zacks Investment Research, visit

Saturday, March 9, 2019

B. Riley Financial Inc (RILY) Chairman and Co-CEO Bryant R Riley Bought $846,500 of Shares

Chairman and Co-CEO of B. Riley Financial Inc (NASDAQ:RILY) Bryant R Riley bought 50,000 shares of RILY on 03/08/2019 at an average price of $16.93 a share. The total cost of this purchase was $846,500.

B. Riley Financial Inc is a diversified financial services company. The reportable operating segments of the company include Capital Markets, Auction and Liquidation, Valuation and Appraisal and Principal Investments. B. Riley Financial Inc has a market cap of $448.980 million; its shares were traded at around $16.85 with a P/E ratio of 29.58 and P/S ratio of 1.06. The dividend yield of B. Riley Financial Inc stocks is 1.89%.

CEO Recent Trades:

Chairman and Co-CEO, 10% Owner Bryant R Riley bought 50,000 shares of RILY stock on 03/08/2019 at the average price of $16.93. The price of the stock has decreased by 0.47% since.Chairman and Co-CEO, 10% Owner Bryant R Riley bought 20,713 shares of RILY stock on 02/22/2019 at the average price of $16.3. The price of the stock has increased by 3.37% since.Chairman and Co-CEO, 10% Owner Bryant R Riley bought 12,699 shares of RILY stock on 02/13/2019 at the average price of $15.65. The price of the stock has increased by 7.67% since.

Directors and Officers Recent Trades:

Director Agostino Robert P D bought 8,341 shares of RILY stock on 02/22/2019 at the average price of $16.32. The price of the stock has increased by 3.25% since.

For the complete insider trading history of RILY, click here


Friday, March 8, 2019

Invacare Corp (IVC) Files 10-K for the Fiscal Year Ended on December 31, 2018

Invacare Corp (NYSE:IVC) files its latest 10-K with SEC for the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2018. Invacare Corp is a manufacturer and distributor of medical equipment used in non-acute care settings. The company sells its products to home medical equipment providers with retail and e-commerce channels, residential care operators, and distributors. Invacare Corp has a market cap of $313.090 million; its shares were traded at around $9.43 with and P/S ratio of 0.34. The dividend yield of Invacare Corp stocks is 0.53%.

For the last quarter Invacare Corp reported a revenue of $244.6 million, compared with the revenue of $250.4 million during the same period a year ago. For the latest fiscal year the company reported a revenue of $972.3 million, an increase of 0.6% from last year. For the last five years Invacare Corp had an average revenue decline of 7% a year.

The reported loss per diluted share was $1.33 for the year, compared with the loss per share of $1.75 in the previous year. The Invacare Corp had an operating margin of -1.46%, compared with the operating margin of -2.85% a year before. The 10-year historical median operating margin of Invacare Corp is 0.74%. The profitability rank of the company is 3 (out of 10).

At the current stock price of $9.43, Invacare Corp is traded at 22.5% discount to its historical median P/S valuation band of $12.16. The P/S ratio of the stock is 0.34, while the historical median P/S ratio is 0.42. The stock lost 46.93% during the past 12 months.

For the complete 20-year historical financial data of IVC, click here.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Interest rate hikes can be good news for savings

If your savings are earning 0.01 percent or so, talk of rising interest rates probably seems like a fairy tale. It sounds nice, but you might sooner meet a talking animal or two.

If you look online, though, you'll find the Federal Reserve's rate hikes translating into something tangible: cash in your account.

Sean Dugan, a Washington, D.C.-based government affairs consultant, opened a high-yield online account when he grew frustrated with the 0.04 percent his credit union savings offered. That's "just nothing," he says.

Dugan chose the account offering the best rate at the time, and says that the bank has hiked his rate twice in the last month alone.

When you're ready for your savings to pay off, here's what you need to know.

The Federal Reserve's rate hikes can translate into something tangible: cash in your account.

What's the best rate out there?

The online bank or credit union offering the best rate changes from week to week – but any of the top contenders will earn your balance much more than it would get at most brick-and-mortar banks.

Look for a savings account that pays a greater than 2 percent annual percentage yield. The best – including CIT Bank and Citizens Access, an offshoot of Citizens Bank – are returning above 2.30 percent these days. Marcus by Goldman Sachs, Synchrony and Barclays also pay consistently high rates.

See how you compare: How much does average US household have in a savings account?

Want to lower your taxable income?: Four tax-saving investments you can still make now

You might be able to earn more if you're willing to put your money away for awhile. Citizens Access is currently offering 2.85 percent on a one-year CD. If you can part with your balance for three years, PurePoint will pay you 3 percent. And with a five-year commitment, you can earn above 3 percent at institutions like Popular Direct, Alliant Credit Union and Capital One 360.

Is that rate permanent?

Savings rates are variable, meaning they can increase or decrease. Rates have been rising recently, but that won't last forever. That said, online banks and credit unions typically pay better returns than brick-and-mortar ones.

Most CDs lock in your rate. Some allow you to adjust it once or twice during the term, but you can choose not to if rates decline.

How much money can I really save?

If your balance is $20, an account paying 2 percent APY won't make you a millionaire. But the higher your balance, the more of a difference higher rates make – and each time you receive interest, it's computed based on your contributions, plus all the previous interest you've earned.

At $1,000, a 2.3 percent account will earn you about $23 in a year. At $10,000, that's about $230. And the next year, you'll earn based on $10,230 – as well as anything else you've saved.

CDs often require more money to open and their returns are more predictable. For example, if you put $5,000 in a five-year CD that earns 3.10 percent, you'll end up with over $800 more than you put in.

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According to Rick Vazza, a certified financial planner and president of Driven Wealth Management in San Diego, a good investment strategy includes both investments and savings. The latter money is "designed to be boring, with low expected return, but available when life throws something unexpected at us," he says. How much to put away? It depends on your living expenses, but experts often suggest setting aside three to six months' worth of funds.

Investing does have its place. It can help you reach longer-term goals – such as funding your retirement – because your money has more growth potential in the market.

Once you're saving for emergencies and are investing enough for retirement to get any matching funds your employer may offer, you can consider branching into CDs. Weigh your options, and make sure the return you'll get is worth giving up access to your cash for a time, Vazza says.

Are there any downsides to online accounts?

Online banks and credit unions are just that – online. Most don't have brick-and-mortar locations. Dugan sees this level of accessibility as a perk – he says he's not tempted to touch his balance – but it can take longer to withdraw money when you do need it.

"I always encourage clients to maintain a local checking account that they can then link their high yield savings account with. Having this link will make getting access to your funds a lot easier," Vazza says.

Interest on savings is also taxable. You won't have to report it if you're just earning pennies, but if you open a high-yield account, you'll likely receive a form from your bank at tax time.

Many people are also used to banking with well-established brands, such as Chase or Wells Fargo. But Dugan says consumers concerned about stability don't need to worry. As long as an online account is backed by the FDIC – and most are – it's "as safe in one of these as it is in any other bank," he says.

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Alice Holbrook is a writer at NerdWallet. Email:

NerdWallet is a USA TODAY content partner providing general news, commentary and coverage from around the web. Its content is produced independently of USA TODAY.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

New York State Common Retirement Fund Sells 29,160 Shares of Packaging Corp Of America (PKG)

New York State Common Retirement Fund lowered its stake in Packaging Corp Of America (NYSE:PKG) by 10.0% during the fourth quarter, according to its most recent 13F filing with the SEC. The firm owned 263,255 shares of the industrial products company’s stock after selling 29,160 shares during the quarter. New York State Common Retirement Fund owned 0.28% of Packaging Corp Of America worth $21,971,000 as of its most recent filing with the SEC.

Other institutional investors also recently added to or reduced their stakes in the company. Bach Investment Advisors Ltd purchased a new position in Packaging Corp Of America in the fourth quarter worth $646,000. Macquarie Group Ltd. increased its position in shares of Packaging Corp Of America by 32.2% in the third quarter. Macquarie Group Ltd. now owns 15,600 shares of the industrial products company’s stock valued at $1,712,000 after buying an additional 3,800 shares in the last quarter. Vident Investment Advisory LLC purchased a new position in shares of Packaging Corp Of America in the third quarter valued at $262,000. Perella Weinberg Partners Capital Management LP purchased a new position in shares of Packaging Corp Of America in the fourth quarter valued at $2,607,000. Finally, Bank of New York Mellon Corp increased its position in shares of Packaging Corp Of America by 5.9% in the third quarter. Bank of New York Mellon Corp now owns 1,585,600 shares of the industrial products company’s stock valued at $173,925,000 after buying an additional 88,042 shares in the last quarter. 88.96% of the stock is currently owned by hedge funds and other institutional investors.

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PKG opened at $98.34 on Tuesday. The stock has a market capitalization of $9.29 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 12.25, a PEG ratio of 1.40 and a beta of 1.85. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.99, a quick ratio of 1.74 and a current ratio of 2.76. Packaging Corp Of America has a 1 year low of $77.90 and a 1 year high of $124.70.

Packaging Corp Of America (NYSE:PKG) last announced its quarterly earnings data on Tuesday, January 29th. The industrial products company reported $2.17 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the Thomson Reuters’ consensus estimate of $2.15 by $0.02. The company had revenue of $1.75 billion during the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $1.77 billion. Packaging Corp Of America had a return on equity of 31.72% and a net margin of 10.52%. On average, analysts expect that Packaging Corp Of America will post 8.45 EPS for the current fiscal year.

The firm also recently declared a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Monday, April 15th. Investors of record on Friday, March 15th will be issued a dividend of $0.79 per share. This represents a $3.16 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 3.21%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, March 14th. Packaging Corp Of America’s payout ratio is currently 39.35%.

A number of research analysts have recently weighed in on the company. Zacks Investment Research cut Packaging Corp Of America from a “hold” rating to a “sell” rating in a research report on Wednesday, January 23rd. Wells Fargo & Co cut Packaging Corp Of America from an “outperform” rating to a “market perform” rating and dropped their price target for the company from $110.00 to $93.00 in a research report on Wednesday, January 9th. Finally, Citigroup dropped their price target on Packaging Corp Of America from $98.00 to $88.00 and set a “neutral” rating for the company in a research report on Monday, January 7th. Two analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, six have issued a hold rating and three have issued a buy rating to the company. The stock presently has a consensus rating of “Hold” and an average target price of $101.00.

ILLEGAL ACTIVITY WARNING: This news story was first reported by Ticker Report and is owned by of Ticker Report. If you are reading this news story on another website, it was stolen and reposted in violation of international trademark & copyright laws. The original version of this news story can be read at

Packaging Corp Of America Profile

Packaging Corporation of America manufactures and sells containerboard and corrugated packaging products primarily in the United States. The company's Packaging segment offers various corrugated packaging products, such as conventional shipping containers used to protect and transport manufactured goods; multi-color boxes and displays that help to merchandise the packaged product in retail locations; and honeycomb protective packaging products.

See Also: NASDAQ

Want to see what other hedge funds are holding PKG? Visit to get the latest 13F filings and insider trades for Packaging Corp Of America (NYSE:PKG).

Institutional Ownership by Quarter for Packaging Corp Of America (NYSE:PKG)

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Don't Miss These Quotes From HP's Management

Investors clearly weren't happy with the earnings results that HP Inc. (NYSE:HPQ) turned in, sending its shares down nearly 17% on February 28 and putting the stock into negative territory for the year. Investors were apparently unhappy about the weakness in the company's printing supplies business.

Although such a large decline might tempt some investors to hit the panic button and sell their shares and others to immediately buy the dip, it's worth stepping back and seeing what management had to say about the business before making a move either way. To that end, here are some important quotes from HP Inc.'s most recent earnings call.

An HP laptop.

Image source: HP Inc.

The printing supplies shortfall

On the call, CEO Dion Weisler began by explaining that the company's printing supplies revenue was down 9% year over year during the quarter, and cited, in particular, the EMEA region for that weakness. (EMEA stands for "Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.")

Weisler said that the company views its supplies business in a so-called four-box model that consists of the following categories: "in store base, usage, share, and price."

"The two factors that varied from our plan were a decline in share and, to a lesser extent, pricing," Weisler added.

He then went on to say that all of HP's commercial customers "are purchasing supplies online, and while we have leading share online, it's at a lower percentage than our share with traditional commercial resellers and in-store retailers."

The executive also added that "as macro uncertainty has increased, we have seen further price sensitivity among customers, pressuring both our share and our supplies pricing."

All of this led the company to revise its printing supplies business forecast from "flat to slightly up" for the current fiscal year to a 3% decline.

Printing supplies action plan

During the call, Weisler outlined the company's plan to cope with the headwinds that hit its printing supplies business. First, the company is "taking actions to lower the level of supplies inventory in the market to be consistent with our new share assumptions."

Additionally, the company is set to put into motion "additional share improvement plans, including online programs, targeted marketing, and brand protection to promote the value of HP original supplies in terms of quality, sustainability, and environmental impact."

"The team's agility and ability to respond to challenges gives me confidence in how we'll manage through this environment," the executive said.

Personal systems strength

Although the company's printing supplies business is set to fall short of expectations for the fiscal year, the company's personal systems business -- which consists primarily of personal computer sales -- keeps performing well.

During the quarter, HP reported that its personal systems revenue was $9.66 billion, up 2.3% from the prior year (and, as the company pointed out in its earnings presentation, up 3.5% in constant currency). Operating profit rose to $410 million, up $75 million, or 22.4%, from the prior year.

With respect to this business, Weisler said that "[we] are improving our product mix and managing our costs." He also claimed that the company is "strengthening [its] position in strategic segments where we see pockets of growth and delivering differentiated and premium hardware services and solutions." (Examples of such areas include gaming-oriented PCs.)

HP CFO Steve Fieler explained that for the rest of the year, HP's personal systems segment will be forced to cope with supply constraints on CPUs in the first half of fiscal 2019 "with improvements in the second half."

By definition, CPU constraints will put a lid on the number of systems that HP can ship, suggesting that the company's personal systems revenue should be lower than it would have otherwise been without those constraints. 

Fieler also said that "we expect the cost from the overall basket of components and logistics to improve compared to Q1 levels." This suggests gross margin and, ultimately, operating margin expansion for the personal systems business, barring some large increase in operating expenses.

Investor takeaway

HP's stock is certainly taking a beating following the disappointment on the printing supplies side of things. On the bright side, though, the company's personal systems business is still doing well, with things looking set to improve in the second half of the year. Moreover, the company outlined a credible plan to help stabilize its printing supplies business. 

And, to top it all off, if the company hits its full-year guidance of between $2.12 and $2.22 in non-GAAP EPS, then the stock isn't particularly expensive after the drop, trading at about nine times the midpoint of that range.

While it might be a while before an upside catalyst emerges for the stock, the risk of significantly more downside looks pretty low to me.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Q2 2019 EPS Estimates for Bank of Montreal (BMO) Lifted by National Bank Financial

Bank of Montreal (NYSE:BMO) (TSE:BMO) – Investment analysts at National Bank Financial lifted their Q2 2019 earnings estimates for shares of Bank of Montreal in a research note issued on Tuesday, February 26th. National Bank Financial analyst G. Dechaine now forecasts that the bank will earn $1.67 per share for the quarter, up from their previous estimate of $1.60. National Bank Financial also issued estimates for Bank of Montreal’s Q3 2019 earnings at $1.92 EPS and FY2020 earnings at $7.85 EPS.

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Other equities analysts also recently issued research reports about the company. Canaccord Genuity restated a “buy” rating on shares of Bank of Montreal in a research note on Thursday, November 22nd. Zacks Investment Research upgraded Bank of Montreal from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating and set a $77.00 target price on the stock in a research note on Wednesday, January 9th. Barclays restated a “hold” rating on shares of Bank of Montreal in a research note on Friday, November 16th. TD Securities downgraded Bank of Montreal from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a research note on Tuesday, December 4th. Finally, Desjardins restated a “hold” rating on shares of Bank of Montreal in a research note on Tuesday, December 11th. One analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, seven have issued a hold rating and three have assigned a buy rating to the company. The stock currently has an average rating of “Hold” and a consensus price target of $103.33.

Shares of NYSE BMO opened at $77.58 on Friday. Bank of Montreal has a twelve month low of $62.79 and a twelve month high of $84.36. The company has a market capitalization of $47.96 billion, a PE ratio of 11.10, a price-to-earnings-growth ratio of 3.28 and a beta of 1.19. The company has a current ratio of 1.17, a quick ratio of 1.17 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.16.

Bank of Montreal (NYSE:BMO) (TSE:BMO) last announced its earnings results on Tuesday, February 26th. The bank reported $2.32 earnings per share for the quarter, topping analysts’ consensus estimates of $1.70 by $0.62. Bank of Montreal had a return on equity of 14.97% and a net margin of 16.91%. The firm had revenue of $5.59 billion for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $5.61 billion. During the same quarter in the previous year, the business earned $2.12 EPS. The company’s revenue was up 6.0% compared to the same quarter last year.

The company also recently disclosed a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Tuesday, May 28th. Investors of record on Wednesday, May 1st will be paid a $0.762 dividend. This is an increase from Bank of Montreal’s previous quarterly dividend of $0.75. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Tuesday, April 30th. This represents a $3.05 annualized dividend and a yield of 3.93%. Bank of Montreal’s dividend payout ratio is presently 43.63%.

Institutional investors have recently bought and sold shares of the stock. Gantzert Investment Co. LLC ADV purchased a new position in Bank of Montreal in the fourth quarter valued at approximately $31,000. Financial Gravity Companies Inc. purchased a new position in Bank of Montreal in the fourth quarter valued at approximately $37,000. Princeton Global Asset Management LLC purchased a new position in Bank of Montreal in the fourth quarter valued at approximately $39,000. Heritage Trust Co purchased a new position in Bank of Montreal in the fourth quarter valued at approximately $41,000. Finally, Lindbrook Capital LLC purchased a new position in Bank of Montreal in the fourth quarter valued at approximately $46,000. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 44.94% of the company’s stock.

Bank of Montreal Company Profile

Bank of Montreal provides diversified financial services primarily in North America. It operates through three groups: Personal and Commercial Banking, Wealth Management, and BMO Capital Markets. The company's personal banking products and services include checking and savings accounts, credit cards, mortgages, and financial and investment advice services; and commercial banking products and services comprise business deposit accounts, commercial credit cards, business loans and commercial mortgages, cash management solutions, foreign exchange, and specialized banking programs for small business and commercial banking customers, as well as wealth management products and services, such as insurance products.

See Also: How To Calculate Debt-to-Equity Ratio

Earnings History and Estimates for Bank of Montreal (NYSE:BMO)

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Altair Engineering Inc. (ALTR) Q4 2018 Earnings Conference Call Transcript

Logo of jester cap with thought bubble.

Image source: The Motley Fool.

Altair Engineering Inc.  (NASDAQ:ALTR)Q4 2018 Earnings Conference CallFeb. 28, 2019, 4:30 p.m. ET

Contents: Prepared Remarks Questions and Answers Call Participants Prepared Remarks:


Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Altair Fourth Quarter 2018 Earnings Conference Call. At this time all participants are in a listen-only mode. Later there will be a question-and-answer session and instructions will follow at that time. (Operator Instructions)

I would now like to turn the conference over to Howard Morof, Chief Financial Officer. Sir, you may begin.

Howard N. Morof -- Chief Financial Officer

Thank you. Good afternoon. Welcome and thank you for attending Altair's earnings conference call for the fourth quarter 2018. I'm Howard Morof, Chief Financial Officer of Altair, and with me on the call is Jim Scapa, our Founder, Chairman and CEO. After market close today we issued a press release with details regarding our fourth quarter and full-year performance which can be accessed on the Investor Relations section of our website at This call is being recorded and a replay will be available on our IR website following the conclusion of the call.

During today's call, we will make statements related to our business that may be considered forward-looking under federal securities laws. These statements reflect our views only as of today and should not be considered representative of our views as of any subsequent date. We disclaim any obligation to update any forward-looking statements or outlook. These statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from our expectations. These risks are summarized in the press release that we issued today. For a further discussion of the material risks and other important factors that could affect our actual results, please refer to those contained in our quarterly and annual reports filed with the SEC, as well as other documents that we have filed or may file from time to time.

During the course of today's call, we will refer to certain non-GAAP financial measures. A reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP measures is included in our press release.

Finally, at times in our prepared comments or responses to your questions, we may offer metrics that are incremental to our usual presentation to provide greater insight into the dynamics of our business or our quarterly results. Please be advised that we may or may not continue to provide this additional detail in the future.

With that, let me turn the call over to Jim for his prepared remarks.

James R. Scapa -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Thank you, Howard, and thank you all for joining our call. Today we will talk about our quarterly and full year results and our outlook for 2019. We will discuss the integration and market traction we see for our two most recent acquisitions, Datawatch and SimSolid. We will talk about changes for our global marketing and compelling customer wins.

As 2019 will be our first year of reporting under the new 606 accounting standards, we will be careful to identify when we're talking about 605 versus 606 numbers. My remarks regarding fourth quarter and 2018 financials will use the 605 standard.

Our fourth quarter revenue and profitability exceeded expectations and demonstrated excellent year-on-year growth. We had total revenue for the quarter of $103.9 million, an increase of 16% from a year ago with 2018 revenue of $385.1 million, growing over 2017 by 16%. Our revenue growth was strong and powered by software product growth of 19%. We produced adjusted EBITDA in the fourth quarter of $14.1 million with full-year adjusted EBITDA of $38.5 million, both nicely above the upper end of our guidance range.

We completed the acquisition of Datawatch on December 13, 2018 and have moved quickly to integrate it into Altair. We made several important adjustments to the business while making sure to support customers, employees, and their ongoing efforts. We are moving quickly to streamline Datawatch brand offerings and merge their products with our other solutions and business models.

Our complete data intelligence offering includes market-leading data preparation, data science, streaming, and visualization solutions that fuel engineering, scientific, and business decisions. We are integrating all of our data intelligence capabilities into a modern cloud-based solution, including important enterprise level capabilities, such as security, data discovery, collaboration, and operationalization of user-developed machine-learning workflows to deliver a more unified experience for users.

The Datawatch sales organization is strong and highly process centric. We have maintained and supported this team focused on their traditional markets and are strengthening them by looking to leverage Altair's more global footprint. We established a small overlay team with expertise in data intelligence focused on supporting Altair's strategic account executives cross-selling Datawatch products into our manufacturing customers worldwide.

The synergies are bidirectional. For example, we are learning from and embracing several Datawatch sales processes across the broader Altair sales organization. We're confident our combined global teams and infrastructure will continue to develop and deploy great products, grow sales, and delight customers as we move forward in an era where simulation and data intelligence are converging to drive many operational decisions.

We anticipate bookings from Datawatch products for 2019 to be consistent with the 2018 bookings, while significantly increasing the percentage of recurring revenues. We put in place several million dollars of synergies to be realized in 2019 from this business, including significant administrative and executive headcount reductions. We also anticipate substantial external spend cost reductions, including public company expenses. We expect the financial contribution of the acquisition to be aligned with our overall adjusted EBITDA percentage targets.

In October of 2018 we announced our exciting technology acquisition of SimSolid. Since then we've moved to quickly release the product commercially and promote its game changing power with seminars, free trials, and special offers. The results have been extraordinary. Customers worldwide and in all vertical markets are impressed by the technology and taking initiatives to deploy SimSolid in their enterprises. We believe SimSolid is a unique technology which allows users, mainly designers and design engineers, to accurately simulate simple to extremely complex assembly designs directly on their CAD geometry without the simplification or meshing required by other technologies.

SimSolid is robust and extremely fast and in our estimation will finally allow the market to realize its ambition to have meaningful simulation at the design stage. SimSolid is available under HyperWorks Units, as a stand-alone solution sold by resellers, and as a pure cloud SaaS offering. We are integrating SimSolid into our Inspire platform where it will complement Altair's other simulation technologies for simulation-driven design. We believe some SimSolid will deliver meaningful new revenue over the next three years and has the potential to disrupt the current market for simulation at the design stage.

We believe it's important that our marketing and demand generation efforts are aligned with our growing product portfolio and expanded value proposition. To lead that effort, we were excited to welcome Amy Messano to Altair at the beginning of 2019 as our new Chief Marketing Officer. Her extensive experience and expertise in technology marketing is an important addition to our executive team, especially at a time of rapid growth in our product portfolio. She has already moved to reorganize global marketing, including Datawatch, to elevate Altair's brand and align with sales objectives.

The fourth quarter was strong. We continue to win across the board in new and existing accounts. Our core products of design, modeling, visualization solvers continue to perform well and we saw growth in new areas, including electromagnetics, model-based design, data intelligence, and high-performance cloud computing.

I would like to highlight some of our successes today as they indicate fundamental strength in our business. In aerospace, our second largest industry sector, a major supplier committed to nearly $2 million agreement, driven by the replacement of Nastran and Patran with OptiStruct and HyperMesh. A major global automotive supplier headquartered in Europe signed a multimillion euro renewal for 2019. That represents a nearly 20% increase as they continue to use HyperWorks for a broader range of product development challenges.

Also in Europe two different automotive OEMs signed three-year deals each worth seven figures annually, representing a 38% and a 27% annual increase over their previous multiyear agreements. This was driven by large expansions in the usage of Altair solvers and optimization products with many hundreds of users in the organizations.

The fourth quarter was excellent for our high-performance computing sales teams across a diverse set of industry verticals, including energy, automotive, defense, electronics, and data storage. There were several expansions including a large one in the defense sector. Product sales in the electronics industry are growing, including a 74% increase at a chip maker on several hundred thousand dollars in revenue, while another customer nearly tripled their usage commitment. Finally, an important energy customer in the Americas made a new commitment of over $650,000.

We are beginning to see immediate customer success with SimSolid. In the four months since the acquisition, there have been over 5,200 downloads, including almost -- at almost 500 unique existing customer companies. We have trained more than 1,400 individuals. We can see usage growing globally at several accounts across most verticals.

Our data intelligence team joined Altair during the final two weeks of the year and quickly contributed some important wins. Topping the quarter was a seven-figure expansion deal with a major banking customer. This is a historically strong market for Datawatch, and we expect this to continue. A longtime healthcare customer decided to upgrade to our cloud offering and agreed to transition to an annual subscription.

We had a very strong fourth quarter and 2018, delivered on our stated objectives, and made meaningful acquisitions, including SimSolid and Datawatch. We are well-positioned because of our large recurring revenue base, and we are diversified through geographic and vertical markets. We remain optimistic about our outlook and look forward to the future.

Now I will turn the call over to Howard for details on our financial performance during the fourth quarter and full-year as well as guidance for 2019. Howard?

Howard N. Morof -- Chief Financial Officer

Thanks, Jim. We are very pleased with the performance of our business in the fourth quarter completing a great 2018. As Jim mentioned, we are required to report under ASC 606 for 2018. In order to provide comparability, we are providing 2018 quarterly results under both 606 and 605. Our guidance for 2019 is under the new standard. However, my review of our results for Q4 and the year will be primarily based on the 605 standard. Note that we did include a reconciliation of results in the press release that bridges 2018 under 606 to 605. The Datawatch acquisition did not have a significant impact on the results given the very limited number of days post acquisition in this quarter.

Our fourth quarter and full year results demonstrated strong operating leverage expansion and cash flow generation driven by solid software revenue growth. For the quarter, software product revenue was $80.8 million, an increase of 19% from a year ago, while total revenue reached $103.9 million, representing growth of 16% from the fourth quarter of 2017. Both results are above our guidance for the period.

We also had strong profitability in the quarter as adjusted EBITDA grew by 67% to $14.1 million for the quarter, which is well above our guidance and compares favorably to $8.4 million a year ago. For the year, software product revenue was $293 million, an increase of 20% from 2018, while total revenue reached $385.1 million, representing growth of 16% from 2017. Both results are above our guidance for the full year.

Software product revenue is reflective of the strong momentum for our software products and grew to 76.1% of total revenue, an increase of 2.7 percentage points from 73.4% a year ago. Adjusted EBITDA grew by 71% to $38.5 million for 2018, which also exceeded our guidance and compares very favorably to $22.5 million a year ago. Adjusted EBITDA margin for the year was 10% compared to 6.8% a year ago, an increase of over 3 percentage points in the year. We are pleased that the growing leverage in our business continues to be evident.

Changes in certain currencies can have an impact on both our revenues and expenses, especially when those changes occur over relatively shorter time periods or when currency changes are more pronounced over time. As such, we think it is meaningful to measure aspects of our performance on a constant currency basis. For 2018, as a whole and in Q4, the impact of foreign currency rates did not have a meaningful impact on our revenue or adjusted EBITDA.

For 2018 calculated billings were $399.7 million, an increase of 11% from last year, indicative of the growth in our business. In the fourth quarter, calculated billings were $111.6 million, an increase of 12.5% from a year ago. The annual and quarterly metric has been adjusted for the impact of acquired deferred revenue. We tend to view calculated billings over a longer time period due to the impact variations and timing of renewals, expansions, and new customer arrangements can have quarter-to-quarter.

I would like to turn to the balance of the P&L results, some of which are on a non-GAAP basis. A reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP measures has been provided in the earnings release we issued earlier today. Non-GAAP gross margin in the fourth quarter was 70.9%, an increase of 48 basis points from a year ago. For the quarter, non-GAAP operating expenses, which excludes stock-based compensation, amortization of intangibles, acquisition costs, and other operating income were $63.6 million compared to $58.9 million a year ago. As mentioned above, adjusted EBITDA for the quarter was $14.1 million compared to adjusted EBITDA of $8.4 million a year ago. Adjusted EBITDA margin in the fourth quarter was 13.5% compared to 9.4% a year ago. Adjusted EBITDA was positively impacted by our revenue mix driven by software product momentum, improved software-related services gross margins, and achievements in operating leverage over our cost structure.

Our recurring software license rate that is the percentage of software revenue that is recurring continues to be strong at 89% in 2018 consistent with our past performance and is not impacted by the shift from 605 to 606. Non-GAAP gross margin for the year was 69.9%, an increase of 2 percentage points from a year ago due to a higher mix of software product revenue coupled with improved margins from software-related services activities. For 2018, non-GAAP operating expenses, which excludes stock-based compensation, amortization of intangibles, acquisition costs and other operating income were $244.2 million compared to $214.2 million a year ago. Adjusted EBITDA for the year was $38.5 million exceeding our guidance compared to $22.5 million in 2017. Adjusted EBITDA margin for the year was 10% compared to 6.8% in 2017, reflecting terrific progress toward increasing our operating margins. We continue to be focused on driving our operating margins higher, while simultaneously investing prudently into those areas and opportunities that we believe will be beneficial to our long-term growth prospects.

Let me now run through the specific impact the adoption of ASC 606 had on our performance. Generally we will now recognize approximately 80% of software product revenue from a new or renewal contract upfront upon delivery of the software and commencement of the license period. The remaining 20% or so will be recognized ratably over the life of the contract. This compares to 605 where we were unable to separate out revenue for multiple element arrangements. Usually, 100% of software product revenue was recognized ratably over the life of the contract for subscription-based licenses. This change increased our revenue by approximately $11.3 million in 2018. The implementation of 606 did not have a meaningful impact on our operating expenses.

It is important to note that this change does not have any impact on our cash flows or the value we deliver to our customers. Going forward, calculated billings, an important cash flow metric for our business, is likely to be more closely correlated to revenue recognition under 606. The adoption of 606 reduced the aggregate amount of deferred revenue on our balance sheet as of January 1 by $82.9 million under the modified retrospective approach permitted by the new standard. This change is strictly accounting driven with the implementation of the guidance under 606 versus 605.

For the fourth quarter under 606, total revenue was $103 million and software product revenue was $79.9 million. Adjusted EBITDA was $12.9 million equaling an adjusted EBITDA margin of 12.6%. On a full-year basis under 606, total revenue was $396.4 million. Software product revenue was $304.4 million for the year, or 76.8% of total revenue. Adjusted EBITDA was $50.2 million in 2018, and our adjusted EBITDA margin was 12.7%.

On a GAAP basis, fourth quarter net loss was $10.8 million or a loss of $0.14 per diluted share based on $76.8 million diluted weighted average common shares outstanding. And net income for the year was $13.7 million, or $0.18 per diluted share, based upon 74.9 million diluted weighted average common shares outstanding.

Turning to our balance sheet. We ended the fourth quarter with $35.3 million in cash and cash equivalents, noting that we funded our acquisitions with cash and minor borrowings on our line of credit. We have approximately $119 million undrawn and available on our US line of credit as of year-end.

Moving to our cash flows. Cash flow from operations in the fourth quarter was an outflow of $4.2 million compared to an outflow of $1.4 million in the fourth quarter of 2017. For the year, cash flow from operations grew to $36.2 million compared to $16.1 million for 2017 driven by our revenue growth and excellent collections in Q4.

Free cash flow, which consists of cash flow from operations, less cash capital expenditures, was an outflow of $5.5 million for the fourth quarter, consistent with our business cycle and also similar to the outflow of $4.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2017. Free cash flow was $29.6 million for the year, a significant improvement from $8.6 million in 2017 and nicely in excess of the top end of our guidance at $24 million. The increase in our free cash flow for 2018 clearly reflects the impact of our positive momentum.

I would like to mention a couple of specific points regarding our cash flows and 606 before highlighting our guidance for 2019 under 606. Our revenues are seasonal based upon renewal dates from our customers with the first and fourth quarters having typically greater renewals and expansion revenue than the second and third quarters. These patterns will cause our quarterly results under 606 to be much more heavily skewed to when renewals, expansion, and new licenses occur causing our result to be more variable on a quarter-to-quarter basis compared to 605.

Also, as mentioned before, our seasonal patterns allow us to realize a substantial portion of free cash flow in our first and early part of the second quarters of each year. As such, I would caution against extrapolating free cash flow results on a quarter-to-quarter basis.

Our guidance for 2019 is impacted by fluctuations in currencies, such as the euro and pound. Given the movements in these and other currencies compared to 2018, our guidance anticipates a negative impact on annual revenues of approximately $7 million to $10 million and a $2 million to $3 million headwind to adjusted EBITDA for 2019. As to our expectations related to our effective tax rate for 2019, we are assuming an ETR of 40% due primarily to the impact of foreign taxes and domestic tax credits for which we are unable to recognize a present benefit given the valuation allowance covering our US tax attributes.

For the full year 2019 under the 606 standard, our expectations are as follows: software product revenue to be between $373 million and $377 million, representing growth of 22% to 24% from 2018; total revenue to be between $470 million and $474 million, representing growth of 19% to 20% from 2018; adjusted EBITDA of between $61 million and $65 million; free cash flow to be between $34 million and $36 million.

For Q1 2019 under the 606 standard, our expectations are as follows: software product revenue to be between $99 million and $101 million, representing growth of 24% to 26% from 2018; total revenue to be between $123 million and $125 million, representing growth of 19% to 21% from 2018; adjusted EBITDA of between $23 million and $25 million. Our revenue outlook for 2019 includes contribution from Datawatch based on our initial expectations of flat to slightly down compared to 2018 as mentioned before. As a reminder, this reflects the continuing transition to licensing of Datawatch products on a subscription basis. We have successfully realized in excess of $5 million of synergies virtually immediately upon closing.

To summarize, we continue to be very pleased with the performance of the business for the fourth quarter and full year of 2018. We are executing well on our strategic priorities and generating an attractive combination of growth, profitability, and cash flow. We are optimistic about our ability to drive revenue growth in 2019 based on our market momentum and ongoing investments that are leading to continued progress toward our long-term target.

With that operator, can we now open up the call to questions?

Questions and Answers:


Thank you. (Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from Sterling Auty with JPMorgan. Your line is open.

Sterling Auty -- JPMorgan Securities LLC -- Analyst

Yeah, thanks. Hi, guys. I think looking at 2019, the two moving parts I want to make sure I fully understand is you mentioned Datawatch flat to slightly down. I think that's very consistent. But what does that actually mean in terms of the actual dollar contribution within the guidance that you've provided? As well as, is there -- as we think about the 606, everything should be annualized, so there's no additional tailwind or headwinds from 606 to the top line, correct?

James R. Scapa -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Sorry, I missed your second half of your question there, Sterling. Would you mind repeating it? I apologize.

Sterling Auty -- JPMorgan Securities LLC -- Analyst

Yeah. Let's start with the first part being Datawatch.

James R. Scapa -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Okay, yeah.

Sterling Auty -- JPMorgan Securities LLC -- Analyst

You mentioned flat to slightly down. So what does that mean in dollars to the guidance?

James R. Scapa -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Right. So to be -- I know you're going to hate this answer, but to be honest with you, the way that -- the way that we manage our software business, we integrate all of the products under our Units model. And so we expect by basically beginning of the second quarter to have the Datawatch products running under the Units model. And so you're going to have a mix through the year of sort of the historical stand-alone stuff, because there's some of that, as well as a lot of HyperWorks Units revenue. And so we really aren't breaking it out. I know you hate that because you want to break it out, but what we do is we look at the overall picture and we look at the overall picture of expenses as well and we try and manage our business. So I'll let Howard add to that if he wants to.

Howard N. Morof -- Chief Financial Officer

The add is simply we've -- as we've converted prior acquisitions as well, although not obviously quite the same size as the Datawatch, it's been essentially the same fundamental process for us converting into a HyperWorks Units and then we clearly lose the individualized revenue streams that are acquired.

Sterling Auty -- JPMorgan Securities LLC -- Analyst

All right, understood. And then just the other part was again now that we're four quarters into 606, there is no additional headwind or tailwind impact to the top line from that. Everything should be normalized. Correct?

Howard N. Morof -- Chief Financial Officer

Yeah, that's absolutely correct.

Sterling Auty -- JPMorgan Securities LLC -- Analyst

All right, great. Thank you, guys.

James R. Scapa -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Thanks, Sterling.


Thank you. Our next question comes from Rich Valera with Needham & Company. Your line is open.

Richard Valera -- Needham & Co. LLC -- Analyst

Thank you. Just a follow-up on the Datawatch contribution. For 4Q, I think you said it wasn't meaningful, Howard, but I think Jim actually referred to a seven-figure deal that you got during the quarter. So I'm just wondering did they contribute maybe $2 million in 4Q in that couple weeks or if there is any color you could give on Datawatch's contribution to 4Q?

Howard N. Morof -- Chief Financial Officer

Rich, it's -- there really was a pretty negligible impact overall on the revenue in Q4. We owned them for essentially 18 days, of which it includes Christmas and New Year. So I would -- I'm not going to say it's zero dollars but really quite negligible.

Richard Valera -- Needham & Co. LLC -- Analyst

Got it. And then just on the expense side, the non-GAAP net income I think came in lower than we expected, despite a decent top line beat. Was there something acquisition related that you didn't back out of that non-GAAP net income?

Howard N. Morof -- Chief Financial Officer

No, not acquisition related; actually tax related. Specifically as I think you're aware, we're in a full valuation allowance on our US tax attributes because of our NSO deductions and such. So the foreign taxes that we pay -- the foreign taxes withheld at source and our US tax credits, we don't get to, if you will, recognize the value of that, and that was really accelerated in Q4. So that's really the impact there. It's all about tax.

Richard Valera -- Needham & Co. LLC -- Analyst

Got it. And then, Jim, just wanted to ask a question about SimSolid. Obviously, some pretty exciting initial results there. And you talked about I think kind of a three-year timeframe thinking that could be really significant. Is there any kind of range you'd be willing to put on the kind of revenue potential you see for this down the road? If it's -- if it's not specifically three years, just how material do you think that could be relative to your current product revenue run rate?

James R. Scapa -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

I guess I'd rather not put a very specific figure on there. Yeah, I'd rather not do that. I apologize, Rich.

Richard Valera -- Needham & Co. LLC -- Analyst

Another thought on that. Just you've -- sounds like as a stand-alone product, it's getting a lot of uptake. But I think you alluded to the potential for that to be used more in a design environment and integrating it into the Inspire products. So have you looked at also just sort of integrating that into other perhaps third-party 3D CAD tools as kind of an embedded simulation engine? Is that -- just wonder where you're thinking on that front?

James R. Scapa -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

So we're open to that actually, but we haven't specifically explored (ph) that yet. We're not close to it, but it's (multiple speaker) for us.

Richard Valera -- Needham & Co. LLC -- Analyst

Got you. And then just one final question on kind of the general environment -- sort of general demand environment relative to the last couple of quarters and where you guys are in kind of the process of increasing your go-to-market capacity, which you really started I think a couple years ago. But can you just give us a sense, any change -- it sounds like the environment continues to be very good, so my sense is no changes if I had to reach your tone. But if you could give us a sense on that and sort of where you are in kind of that sales force ramp-up you've been undertaking?

James R. Scapa -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

So we are -- we are still pretty focused on growing the capacity for sure. One of the key things we are focused a lot on, though, is process. And so we are looking to, if you will, structure the sales process a little more and actually the Datawatch acquisition's helpful for us. They were very organized and very process-centric group, and we see a lot of learning from them, particularly the way they do inside sales. And we've made some moves including a recent executive that we brought in who has, let's say, more process orientation to his sales experience. So that, combined with some other things we've been doing over the last couple years. Also on the tools that we use, we see continuing to grow the capacity, but also grow the structure, if you will, around and the infrastructure around sales.

Richard Valera -- Needham & Co. LLC -- Analyst

Got it. Okay. Thank you.

James R. Scapa -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Sure, Rich. Thank you.


Thank you. (Operator Instructions) Our next question comes from Matt Hedberg with RBC Capital Markets. Your line is open.

Matthew Swanson -- RBC Capital Markets LLC -- Analyst

Thanks. This is actually Matt Swanson on for Matt. Jim, I know it's really early days here, but can you comment on kind of the early reaction you're getting from your installed base on Datawatch and how that's kind of impacted your ideas around cross selling?

James R. Scapa -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

It is very, very early days. We created this sort of SWAT team, just a few people. And they've been out to several of the regions already. We've had a lot of interest, actually more than I might have even expected. And there's a lot of interest from my own organization as well, and we want to manage that carefully. So the reaction in general is pretty positive. I think we have to take our time a bit, get our arms around. Some of the go-to market there, we're just learning and exploring, but by middle of the year, I think we're going to be able to go much faster.

Matthew Swanson -- RBC Capital Markets LLC -- Analyst

That's great. And then -- and then it was also great to hear about all the large auto deals that you won in Europe. Just kind of looking at the general PMI data recently, it seems like there might be a little general manufacturing softness in the EMEA region. Have you noticed anything, customer conversations? It sounds like generally things are looking good, but (inaudible) see any macro specific concerns in the region?

James R. Scapa -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

We're not seeing that and we have a particularly strong organization, I would say, in the EMEA region. Sometimes a downturn actually helps us. I've talked about that before. But right now, frankly, we're still seeing a lot of strength. So I don't know what will happen next year, but this year things look very solid.

Matthew Swanson -- RBC Capital Markets LLC -- Analyst

Thank you.

James R. Scapa -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Thank you.


Thank you. Our next question comes from Josh Tilton with Berenberg. Your line is open.

Joshua Tilton -- Berenberg Capital Markets LLC -- Analyst

Hi. Thanks for taking my question. In regards to the go-to-market strategy for Datawatch within the Altair customer base, is there a plan to expand beyond this overlap theme (ph)? And then how fast can the sale force ramp behind the strategy?

James R. Scapa -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

So there's two -- there's two pockets, if you will, in the existing customer base: one is traditional Datawatch customers which is financial organizations and data scientists; and then the second is some of the engineering opportunities and the synergies that we've talked about. So it's a mix. We are beginning to train and we're going to build some materials to bring our own account executives up to speed, and they are joining some of the meetings little by little and that's how they're learning. Frankly speaking, the products I think are quite good. Under the Units model, I think it's going to be a very compelling story. And I think we're going to be able to communicate pretty effectively what the strengths and weaknesses of these products are very soon.

Joshua Tilton -- Berenberg Capital Markets LLC -- Analyst

Thank you very much.

James R. Scapa -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Thank you.


Thank you. And I'm currently showing no further questions at this time. I'd like to turn the call back over to Jim Scapa for closing remarks.

James R. Scapa -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Oh, OK, I'm sorry, I thought there was one more. So thank you all very much for joining the call. Appreciate the interest in our company and our business. I do want to point out that we are going to have an Analyst Day on March 12 at our headquarters in Troy, Michigan. And so we invite those interested to attend. Thank you very much.


Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's conference. Thanks for your participation and have a wonderful day.

Duration: 41 minutes

Call participants:

Howard N. Morof -- Chief Financial Officer

James R. Scapa -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Sterling Auty -- JPMorgan Securities LLC -- Analyst

Richard Valera -- Needham & Co. LLC -- Analyst

Matthew Swanson -- RBC Capital Markets LLC -- Analyst

Joshua Tilton -- Berenberg Capital Markets LLC -- Analyst

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